Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Makihara Eiji (巻原(まきはら) 英司(えいじ)) is the assistant coach for Seishou Gakuen.


Makihara has short black hair, styled in a formal style. It has a large pointed tuft of hair at the front, curing to his right side. His eyes are only shown to be closed. He wears a grey suit and tie.


Little is known about Makihara's personality, but he's shown to be logistician. He has shown to be focused on gaining information for the team, like how he dug into Zhao's past. Despite not being comfortable with aggressive actions, he has shown to also get himself riled but when he see's something as immoral.


In episode 5, Makihara is first seen during the match between Seishou Gakuen and Kidokawa Seishuu, sitting alongside Kudou, Haruna and the rest of the team's members. He was shocked to see Mizukamiya arguing with Kudou. During half-time, he was no longer present in the area. Once Haizaki was put back as a forward for the match, he threw his goalkeeper uniform aggressively at the bench, scaring Makihara.

In episode 12, during the match between Seishou Gakuen and Inakuni Raimon, Makihara mentions to Kudou how they've been letting Zhao act freely during the match to observe his skills and pushes Kudou to order a counterattack.

In episode 13, he reads a report on Zhao, including information on him being expelled from the soccer association. This made Kudou question what Zhao did, but also had him realise how much of an excellent coach he is.

In episode 15, during the match between Seishou Gakuena and Outei Tsukinomiya, he is visibly appalled and irritated by Outei Tsukinomiya's plays. When Kudou decieds to forfeit the match, he also gets agitated by his decision.


