McCall Kisarra
School year
1st year
McCall Kisarra (マッコール・キサッラ, Makkōru Kisarra ) is a reserve defender for Little Gigant .
Profile [ ]
Inazuma Eleven 3 JP: T.B.A. EN: This prankster will snatch away the ball while you're not looking.
Appearance [ ]
He is similar to Kogure Yuuya . He is little and has a similar hairstyle. The colour of his hair is brown and his eyes are black. He has a tanned skin tone.
Game appearance [ ]
Character sprite and avatar [ ]
Little Gigant's uniform
Strikers avatar[ ]
Little Gigant
Character view [ ]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Little Gigant's uniform
Stats [ ]
All stats are at level 99 and untrained.
Inazuma Eleven 3
GP : 123
TP : 122
Kick : 52
Body : 52
Control : 69
Guard : 55
Speed : 55
Stamina : 56
Guts : 50
Freedom : 42
All stats are fully upgraded.
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
TP : 170
Kick : A
Guard : A
Body : B
Speed : B
Control : A
Catch : B
Hissatsu [ ]
Main-series games [ ]
Spin-off games [ ]
Game exclusive teams [ ]
Trivia [ ]
Like all members of Little Gigant , he resembles someone from Raimon ; in his case, he resembles Kogure Yuuya .
This is further supported by them sharing the same position, their appearance, and being their respective teams' prankster.
In all games he's in, his hissatsu techniques involve spinning.
Navigation [ ]