JP:T.B.A. EN:A die-hard fan of expensive brands. Always chasing the latest fashions.
Inazuma Eleven 2
JP:T.B.A. EN:A die-hard fan of expensive brands, he's always chasing the latest fashions.
Inazuma Eleven 3
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Megawa is a boy of average height with a fleshy pink skin complexion, peru eyes and short, aubergine hair, with a showy lock falling over his forehead. He has a rather feminine figure, which is contributed by his groomed appearance and the extensive use of makeup, with lavander lipstick and eye shadow and thick, black eyelashes.
He first appeared in episode 21 with his team. His team played against Raimon in the Football Frontier semi-finals. He used his hissatsu, Hurricane Arrow, against Raimon and stole possession. In the end, they lost by 2-3.
Megawa played in the match against Seishou Gakuen. During the match, he, together with Kurobe and Mitsumune, tried to stop Haizaki in his tracks, and they succeeded keeping him at one place. This allowed Nishigaki to use his Spinning Cut to steal the ball from Haizaki.