Mogura Feint
50 (Chrono Stone ) 30 (Galaxy ) Min. 17, Max. 40 (SD )
Aura damage
5 (Chrono Stone ) 0 (Galaxy )
Normal → 改 → 真 (Inazuma Eleven 2 & Inazuma Eleven 3 ) Normal → 改 → 真 → 極 (Chrono Stone ) Normal → 改 → 真 → 爆 → 極 → 神 (Galaxy )
Mogura Feint (モグラフェイント, Mogura Feinto , lit. Mole Feint ) is a dribble hissatsu technique introduced in Inazuma Eleven .
Game description [ ]
Inazuma Eleven JP: T.B.A. EN: Bypass opponents by making the ball tunnel like a mole! Inazuma Eleven 2 Inazuma Eleven 3
Chrono Stone JP: T.B.A. EN: Stamp the ball underground and send it under your opponent's feet! Galaxy
Users [ ]
Main-series games [ ]
Inazuma Eleven
Inazuma Eleven 2
Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Spin-off games [ ]
Info [ ]
In the match between Senbayama and Raimon [1] , Ikui used it, successfully getting past Kazemaru .
Acquirement [ ]
Inazuma Eleven 3
Tokyo Airport - Treasure Chest
Can be bought in Nara's Hidden Treasure shop for 1,200 Nekketsu points.
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Can be bought in Past Inazuma Town : Shopping District (過去 ( かこ ) の稲妻 ( いなずま ) 町 ( ちょう ) 商店街 ( しょうてんがい ) )'s Hidden Treasure shop for 360 Nekketsu points.
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Can be bought in Holy Road : Parking Lot (ホーリーロード 駐車場 ( ちゅうしゃじょう ) )'s Hidden Treasure shop for 220 Nekketsu points.
Can be dropped from Gourmets in Handa Shinichi 's lower taisen route .
Can be dropped from Climbs in in the Big Bang version and/or in the Supernova version.
Can be dropped from Averages (アベレージズ) in Raimon Junior High : Around the Second Building (雷門 ( らいもん ) 中 ( ちゅう ) 第二 ( だいに ) 校舎 ( こうしゃ ) 周辺 ( しゅうへん ) ).
Can be dropped from Natural Team (ナチュラル組) in Shopping District: Arcade (商店街 ( しょうてんがい ) アーケード).
Usage [ ]
The user jumps in the air with their right foot raised, stomping the ball with it onto the ground. As the ball burrows through the ground, molehills begin to appear, confusing their opponent. Once the ball rises out of the ground, the user springs into the air and traps it with their chest, successfully getting past them.
As the ball burrows through the ground, molehills begin to appear near their opponent, splitting in two paths and confusing them. Once the molehills begin to shake, the ball rises out of the ground and the user springs into the air and traps it with their chest, successfully getting past them.
Slideshow [ ]
Gallery [ ]
Video [ ] (link to file )
Game [ ]
Mogura Feint-Mole Fake
Inazuma Eleven version[ ]
-Inazuma Eleven SD- Mogura Feint OG - Unvoiced
Inazuma Eleven SD version[ ]
-Inazuma Eleven SD- Mogura Feint AO - Unvoiced
Trivia [ ]
References [ ]
See also [ ]
Navigation [ ]