Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Namiba Mib (ナミバ・ミブ, Namiba Mibu) is a defender for Sandorius Eleven.


GalaxyA defender who deeply admires Kazerma, looking up to him like an older brother. With shrewd movements he toys with his opponents before stealing the ball.


Namiba has tan-brown skin with white areas over his forehead and his mouth. His eyes are surrounded by black patches, with thick eyebrows over them. He also has brown tufts of hair, tied up with a light blue band. His ears are small, like slits in his head.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Sandorius Eleven's uniform (SE) Namiba Mib sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Sandorius Eleven's uniform (SE) Mib 3D (1) (SE) Mib 3D (2) (SE) Mib 3D (3) (SE) Mib 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Mib, Ixal Fleet has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Bluecoin × 4
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy ここちよい砂 Pleasant Sand (ここちよい砂, randomly dropped from Gold Bear in Roglos Gordon's right taisen route)
  • Topic: Topic icon Masterful Technique (名人技の話題, obtained in Sandorius' Giant Northern Desert)
  • Topic: Topic icon Brothers and Sisters (兄弟姉妹の話題, obtained in Sandorius' Big Town)
  • Topic: Topic icon Painful Injury (痛いケガの話題, obtained in Sandorius' Giant Northern Desert)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 133
  • TP: 136
  • Kick: 71
  • Dribbling: 70
  • Block: 128
  • Catch: 112
  • Technique: 90
  • Speed: 141
  • Stamina: 121
  • Lucky: 102
  • Freedom: 200


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 3Dig UpBlockMountain150557080
Lv. 16Dig ThroughDribbleMountain130556040
Lv. 30Anti Critical!Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 48Konoha RollBlockForest130406070

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


  • His name, Namiba Mib, is derived from ナミブ砂漠 (read as "Namibu Sabaku"), which, in turn, means Namib Desert, a reference to Sandorius Eleven's naming motif.

