All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Neira has a helmet that covers her face and some of her hair although some white hair can be seen. She is the smallest player of Protocol Omega and Protocol Omega 2.0.
In episode 1, Neira and her team appeared in Okinawa to face Tenmas. She later joined Protocol Omega 2.0 while her captain Alpha and the others were sent to MUGEN Prison.
In episode 6, She played with his team against Raimon in the second half. They played roughly and injured many members of Raimon. At the end of the match, they won with 12-0 and Beta used the Sphere Device to brainwash the Raimon members who didn't have a keshin and to seal Endou away in the Sphere Device.
In episode 18, she was sent to MUGEN Prison by Gamma, being replaced by Dhanna. It was later seen that she, Alpha, Beta and the others Protocol Omega's members that were sent to MUGEN Prison are actually in a training center.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
Protocol Omega's uniform
Nippon Daihyou's uniform
Strikers avatar[]
Protocol Omega
Character view[]
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Protocol Omega's uniform
Nippon Daihyou's uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
In order to recruit Neira, The Lagoon has to be defeated first in the story mode. Also, the following requirements are needed: