いつも世界のどんな場所でも 大切な人がそばにいて
おはようっ!て言える幸せを ほら みんなで祝おう
いつもの通り道 聞こえてくる元気な足音
ワクワクが始まる ピカイチでスゲーっシャイニング・デイ
一分一秒どの瞬間も 希望に満ち溢れてるよ
笑顔と笑顔の連鎖反応 雲一つ無い晴れた表情
余計な事など言わなくたって たった一言のアイサツで全部
分かり合えるんだ! この気持ちはずっと変わらない!
いつも世界のどんな場所でも 大切な人がそばにいて
おはようっ!て言える幸せを ほら みんなで祝おう
サヨナラの夕暮れ ケンカの後、元気ない足音
そんな日は思い切り 好きな物食べて寝よう!
ごめんな!って思っても その言葉が中々言えなくて
いつだって意地張って 思ってもいない事言っちゃって
だけど僕たちは本当の関係 お互いの性格分かってる
だから明日になったらいつも通りに デッカい声でこう言うのさ!
一人じゃないと感じられる 喜びを今祝おう!
いつも世界のどんな場所でも 大切な人がそばにいて
おはようっ!て言える幸せを ほら みんなで祝おう
一人じゃないと感じられる 喜びを今祝おう!
いつも世界のどんな場所でも 大切な人がそばにいて
おはようっ!て言える幸せを ほら みんなで祝おう
itsumo sekai no donna basho demo taisetsu na hito ga soba ni ite
ohayou! tte ieru shiawase wo hora minna de iwaou
itsumo no toori michi kikoete kuru genki na ashioto
wakuwaku ga hajimaru PIKAICHI de SUGEE shining day
ippun ichibyou dono shunkan mo kibou ni michi afureteru yo
egao to egao no rensa hannou kumo hitotsu nai hareta hyoujou
yokei na koto nado iwanakutatte tatta hitokoto no AISATSU de zenbu
wakari aerun da! kono kimochi wa zutto kawaranai!
itsumo sekai no donna basho demo taisetsu na hito ga soba ni ite
ohayou! tte ieru shiawase wo hora minna de iwaou
SAYONARA no yuugure KENKA no ato, genki nai ashioto
sonna hi wa omoikiri suki na mono tabete neyou!
gomen na! tte omottemo sono kotoba ga nakanaka ienakute
itsudatte ijihatte omottemo inai koto icchatte
dakedo bokutachi wa hontou no kankei otagai no seikaku wakatteru
dakara ashita ni nattara itsumo doori DEKKAI koe de kou iu no sa!
ohayou! tte kotoba ni kometa “gomen ne!” to “itsumo arigato!”
hitori ja nai to kanjirareru yorokobi wo ima iwaou!
itsumo sekai no donna basho demo taisetsu na hito ga soba ni ite
ohayou! tte ieru shiawase wo hora minna de iwaou
ohayou! tte kotoba ni kometa “gomen ne!” to “itsumo arigato!”
hitori ja nai to kanjirareru yorokobi wo ima iwaou!
itsumo sekai no donna basho demo taisetsu na hito ga soba ni ite
ohayou! tte ieru shiawase wo hora minna de iwaou
No matter where I am in the world, there are always people precious to me by my side
The happiness of saying “Good morning!” Let's all celebrate it together
On the path I always go through, I hear energetic footsteps
The excitement starts on this special and awesome shining day
One minute, one second, at any moment, it's overflowing with hope
The chain reaction of smiles and smiles, a clear expression without any cloud of worries
No need to say anything unnecessary, we'll come to understand with just a single greeting!
This feeling will never change!
No matter where I am in the world, there are always people precious to me by my side
The happiness of saying “Good morning!” Let's all celebrate it together
Saying goodbye with the sunset, after having an argument, footsteps with no energy
On days like that, eat your favorite things and sleep!
Even if you're thinking “I’m sorry!” it's hard to say
You're always putting up a front and end up saying things you don't really mean
But we know each other's personalities for real
That's why tomorrow, we'll be able to say this in a huge voice like usual!
The “Sorry!” and “Thank you for everything” packed into “Good morning!”
Let's celebrate the happiness that can't be felt alone!
No matter where I am in the world, there are always people precious to me by my side
The happiness of saying “Good morning!” Let's all celebrate it together
The “Sorry!” and “Thank you for everything” packed into “Good morning!”
Let's celebrate the happiness that can't be felt alone!!
No matter where I am in the world, there are always people precious to me by my side
The happiness of saying “Good morning!” Let's all celebrate it together