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A brainy midfielder who is proficient at analysis. While normally he has a calm and composed demeanor, he also has a sharp tongue and ruthlessly says exactly what he thinks.
Eleven License
He is a brainy type with a good analytical mind. He also uses this ability to play an active role as a commentator in the team. Slightly tongue-tied.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Okuiri has dark blue hair with his bangs parted with a loose strand and purple eyes. His skin is fair and he also wears round glasses.
During the match between Inakuni Raimon and Teikoku Gakuen, Okuiri was one of the players who decided to move up after seeing Teikoku's plays. When Sakuma Jirou used Koutei Penguin 2gou with Fudou Akio and Jimon Daiki in the second half, he, Hattori Hanta and Hiyori Masakatsu used Gravity Cage to successfully stop Koutei Penguin 2gou. In the end, Inakuni Raimon was able to win from Teikoku Gakuen with 4-3.
In the final between Inakuni Raimon and Outei Tsukinomiya, he developed an individual hissatsu called The Labyrinth.
Along with the rest of his team, Okuiri was present when Inazuma Japan was announced but he wasn't selected as a member.
He appeared later during the surprise party prepared for the members of Inazuma Japan, before they left to Russia for the FFI tournament.
Sometime after the FFI, he and Inakuni Raimon members transferred back to Inakuni and competed in the Football Frontier Autumn Tournament. They were going to start a match against Raimon at the end of the series.
Game appearance[]
SD avatar[]
Inakuni Raimon
SD puppet[]
Inakuni Raimon's jacket
Inakuni Raimon
SD character view[]
Front overview
Inakuni Raimon
All stats are at S-rank, level 50, limit break 10, fully upgraded, all skills learned and all kizuna unlocked.