JP:A striker from hell who snatches points with his speed and has the offensive power of a demon. EN:With his superhuman speed, this striker moves like a bat out of hell.
A striker from hell who snatches points with his speed and has the offensive power of a demon.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has long purple hair that nearly covers his left eye and black eyes with a white sclera and black markings surrounding them. He wears the Zanark Domain uniform.
He appears again in episode 22 in order to challenge Raimon to a soccer battle against him, Engil, Shuten and two of Liu Xuande's henchmen who were previously brainwashed by Zanark. He later easily dribbled Shindou, Tenma and Kinako, saying that with their power level they wouldn't do anything. This made Tsurugi become angry and impressed Taiyou with his skills that have surpassed Tenma. He later tried to made a shoot, but had the ball stolen by Tsurugi. Later, he and the others lost the soccer battle and left after that.
He reappeared in episode 24, along with his team. Zanark Domain challenged Raimon for a soccer match.
He reappeared in episode 28, with Zanark Domain to battle against Raimon again. He used Ogre Blade to score a goal for his team. When he was about to receive the ball from Zanark, Tsurugi intercepted it and he was surprised. After Raimon tied with Zanark Domain, he used Ogre Blade twice, which got stopped both times, once by Shinsuke in his Mixi Max form and once by Shinsuke in his Keshin Armed form. At the end, Zanark Domain lost with 3-2.
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Zanark Domain's uniform
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Zanark Domain
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Zanark Domain's uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
In order to recruit Rasetsu, The Lagoon has to be defeated first in the story mode. Also, the following requirements are needed:
His name, Rasetsu, is derived from 羅刹 (also read as "Rasetsu"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Rakshasa, malevolent demigods in Bhuddism, a reference to Zanark Domain's naming motif.
His dub name, Dasan, is derived from दश (read as "Dáśa"), which, in turn, is Sanskrit for 10, a reference to Zanark Domain's dub naming motif.