Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Rufino Ávalos (ルフィノ・アバロス, Rufino Abarosu) is a defender for Muteki no Giant.


Rufino is one of the tallest and largest members of his team. His head is round like a sphere. He has dark purple hair with many spikes coming out of it. He has little light green eyes and a big nose.


Rufino appeared at the airport when Spanish team Muteki no Giant came to Russia for the Football Frontier International tournament. They met Inazuma Japan and American Star Unicorn and later everyone was warmly welcomed by captain of the Russian team Perfect Spark, Froy Girikanan. He was seen later in the restaurant in Kazan where Clario Orvan, Endou Mamoru and Nishikage Seiya participated in the eating contest. When the match against Japan began, Clario easily scored the first goal for Spain with his Diamond Ray. The match resumed and Rufino clashed with Haizaki Ryouhei, blocking his moves efficiently. Later when Endou Mamoru managed to stop Clario's shot, Japan counterattacked. Rufino along with Domelgo Domínguez clashed again with Haizaki, this time additionally mocking him and making funny of his appearance and abilities. Haizaki finally fell on the field passing the ball to Inamori Asuto, because he was only a decoy for the Spanish defenders. When the match resumed after Fubuki Atsuya's shot was stopped by Alonso Fibiano, Rufino told to Reinaldo Baraja that they should mark Japan's players, to which Baraja agreed.

When Inazuma Japan regained the ball and was running towards the Spanish goal, Rufino rushed with Emerico Lorca to stop them. However Japan started to use their new tactic triangle passes. Soon after Clario failed to score with Magaru Diamond Ray, the match resumed and Japan counterattacked. Rufino was fighting for the ball with Fudou Akio and Haizaki who supporetd him from behind. In the flashback Rufino stated that China was pretty strong opponent and when Cario mentioned Japan, he stated that Clario was obviously joking. The current situation on the field, proved that Clario was right about them. Although Spain scored the second goal with Clario's Magaru Diamond Ray and the third one thanks to Bergamo Regult's and Luther Fandam's Twin Lancer, Inazuma Japan didn't gave up. They used Gouenji Shuuya's Last Resort, however it was blocked easily when Rufino along with Domelgo and Clario used their new technique The Shelter. Later when Inamori Asuto unexpectedly charged through the field, Japan scored the third goal and the match ended with a draw.

It was shown later that Russia defeated Spain with a score 6-0. Invincible Giant won the next match against America with the result of 2-1, which helped Japan advance to the finals.


(OK) The Shelter 5 The Shelter (Block)
Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin - Episode 027


