JP:Popular due to his sweet face. His face doesn't match his powerful plays. EN:A popular, happy-go-lucky player who is deceptively strong on the pitch.
GO Strikers 2013
Popular due to his sweet face. His face doesn't match his powerful plays.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has white hair and dark eyes, and wears a red bandana on his head with some hair sticking out. He has dark skin and resembles Fubuki Shirou since they have the same hairstyle and both of their eyes are similarly shaped. He also wears a red bandana.
He is a caring person, and especially cares a lot for his teammates and the citizens in the Cotarl, as shown when he was worried for them when they were attacked by Team Garshield, and also went to assist them.
He is first seen along with the members of Little Gigant when they came to tell Rococo that the Cotarl area has been attacked by Team Garshield. He is seen to be assisting some people along with his teammates in the Cotarl area afterwards.
During the final match, Inazuma Japan vs Little Gigant, he is switched in the second half, when Kane Saitoo gets injured which makes Rococo go back to the position of the goalkeeper. He uses Zigzag Spark to dribble past some Japan members. He later evolves it to V2 .
Game appearance[]
Character sprite and avatar[]
Little Gigant's uniform
Strikers avatar[]
Little Gigant
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Little Giant's uniform
Inazuma Eleven 3
In order to recruit Ryuu, Little Gigant has to be defeated first in Hirai Shinzou's lower taisen route. After selecting him on the scouting machine, he will appear randomly in Little Gigant's Camp and will challenge the player to 2 soccer battles once talked to.