Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Sajiit (サジート, Sajīto) is a forward for Tsukigami no Ichizoku, and, later, for The Excellar.


Chrono StoneJP: T.B.A.
EN: A proud Vulpeen family warrior, he has never bowed his head to anyone.


He is tall, with purple eyes and blond hair tied into a long ponytail that falls over his chest and left shoulder.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Tsukigami no Ichizoku's uniform (TI) Sajiit sprite
The Excellar's uniform (TE) Sajiit sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Tsukigami no Ichizoku's uniform (TI) Sajiit 3D (1) (TI) Sajiit 3D (2) (TI) Sajiit 3D (3) (TI) Sajiit 3D (4)
The Excellar's uniform (TE) Sajiit 3D (1) (TE) Sajiit 3D (2) (TE) Sajiit 3D (3) (TE) Sajiit 3D (4)
Keshin Armed - Asura (KA) Sajiit 3D (1) (KA) Sajiit 3D (2) (KA) Sajiit 3D (3) (KA) Sajiit 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

In order to recruit Sajiit, Tsukigami no Ichizoku has to be defeated first in the post-game.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Item: Kizuna Chrono Stone いさましきツメ Gallant Claw (いさましきツメ, obtained after defeating Tsukigami no Ichizoku for the first time)
  • Photo: Photo icon Bow and Arrow Mat (弓矢のマトの写真, taken at Jeanne's base courtyard in Vaucouleurs in the France era)
  • Player: Archery

After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 4000 Kizuna points.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
  • GP: 150
  • TP: 136
  • Kick: 178
  • Dribbling: 147
  • Block: 109
  • Catch: 77
  • Technique: 128
  • Speed: 114
  • Stamina: 97
  • Lucky: 49
  • Freedom: 59
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone


  • His name, Sajiit, is derived from サジタリウス (read as "Sajitariusu"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Sagittarius constellation, commonly represented as a centaur pulling back a bow.
  • In Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone, he is exclusive to Neppuu.

