Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Sandorius (サンドリアス, Sandoriasu) is a planet in Faram Dite's planetary system. The planet's representative team in the Grand Celesta Galaxy is Sandorius Eleven.

Inhabitants' appearance[]

Sandorius' inhabitants have relatively humanoid appearances. They have two or more horns on their head, which are in place of their eyebrows; these horns can have different forms. They also have marks and patches on their face. Around their necks, they wear a red and black object, similar to a scarf.

Known inhabitants[]

Major characters
link =:Zundal Zand(SE) Badai Jaran sprite(SE) Gobila Mongo sprite(SE) Duff Natter sprite(SE) Regi Stanin sprite(SE) Takla Marker sprite(SE) Namiba Mib sprite(SE) Kazerma Worg sprite(SE) Gala Hariza sprite(SE) Zaba Harrar sprite(SE) Shar Qiiyah sprite(SE) Acker Tamal spriteJabhatLesathAcraShaulaCarab
Scout characters
SiltNenbanKohsaganLatosolKarwackJariYoruhyeDolomiteWaji (Galaxy)OhdoRabyruKudoRyuushaSekiehHideryFoggaraKakuganSajordoHiiutchi


In episode 20, Earth Eleven visited this planet Grand Celesta Galaxy's first match. Before the match, they visited the local market and other places. They also fought with a few Sandorius' inhabitants that challenged Earth Eleven to a soccer battle. Sandorius' inhabits are shown to be playing viciously until Sandorius Eleven's captain, Kazerma Worg, halted the battle.



  • This planet's prominent element is sand.
    • Most of their hissatsu are Earth-attributed.
  • Sandorius' gravitational force is less than Earth's. Thus, it would be less than 9.8 m/s2. However, it's seen that Sandorius' inhabitants have more strength; this is due to the vile environment of the deserts and the storms, which enhanced their physical ability, as stated by Bitway Ozrock.
  • Sandorius is known as 5867-3071 on the galactic table.
  • The planet's dub name, Silica, is referred to a silicon, a rock-forming mineral.
  • In the Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy game, matches and battles played on Sandorius have the following effects:
    • Passes are floatier.
    • The ball doesn't roll on the ground.
    • Mountain hissatsu are stronger.

See also[]
