Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Sarjes Luhg (サージェス・ルーグ, Sājesu Rūgu) is a forward and the captain for Big Bang and, later, a forward for Space Rankers. He is also known as Pixie (ピクシー, Pikushī, dub: Picksie) by Earth Eleven.


GalaxyThe legendary knight of the planet Kiell in a reincarnated body. He appeared in front of Tenma as a white Pixie.


As Pixie, Sarjes seems to be very friendly and ludic towards Earth Eleven's members. Shinsuke stated that he's pretty attached to Tenma.

In Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy Big Bang's storyline, through Sarjes' memories, he can be described as carefree person. Like Potomuri, he has a deep loyalty for Catra since the first time he met her, which is proved by him continuing to follow her after his spirit turned into Pixie.



Sarjes was a citizen of Kiell who became one of the royal knights to protect Catra, whom he was dedicated to. He finished a technique called "Sennigiri", winning "The Legendary Knight" title and Catra's trust. However, he was accused of killing his friends by another kingdom's refugees and got expelled from Kielll. Before leaving, Sarjes promised Catra that he would come back to her whenever she was in danger. Just as he had promised, Sarjes returned when Catra was in danger but, unfortunately, he died. His spirit later turned into Pixie.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy[]

In episode 22, Sarjes first appeared in Tenma's dream as a yellow Pixie. He transformed from a stone that Tenma saw inside the cave where Catra guided him to. Then, it appeared again when Tenma woke up from his dream. He was soon welcomed by Earth Eleven's members and was named "Pixie" by Minaho.

In episode 23, after the match between Earth Eleven and Sandorius Eleven ended, he sudddenly separated from the group. Tenma followed him and met Catra, who gave Tenma the Stone of Light. After she disappeared, they went back to Galaxy Nauts Gou.

In episode 35, when Maneuver Gibutsu kidnapped Potomuri with the Fragments of Hope, he followed them before they teleported to Ozrock's Spacecraft. He was able to snuck in Potomuri's Room, where he got imprisoned and they had a little conversation together.

In episode 36, he was seen in his Pixie form with Acrous, who was also in his Pixie form, secretly watching Ozrock's conversation with Catra and Potomuri. Later, he appeared to Tenma in his real form and had a brief talk with him. He introduced himself as a knight of Catra, and told Tenma that Earth Eleven must win in the match against Faram Dite. He told Tenma that Potomuri was okay and turned back into his Pixie form, leaving Tenma to wonder whether Pixie was really Sarjes. He also appeared briefly when Catra left Earth Eleven.

In episode 41, both him and Acrous turned into their real form before Catra and Lalaya and turned back into their Pixie form. They flew to the stadium and used their power to shatter Berserk Ray.

He and Acrous were last seen together with Potomuri in episode 43. They followed Potomuri's spirit and disappeared altogether.

In Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy Big Bang's storyline, he challenged Earth Eleven to a match with his team in order to test if Tenma's worthy of being a knight who can protect Catra.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Masked Sarjes Luhg sprite (masked)
Casual Sarjes Luhg sprite
Big Bang's uniform (BB) Sarjes Luhg sprite
Space Rankers' uniform (SR) Sarjes Luhg sprite
Pixie form Sarjes Luhg sprite (pixie)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Masked Sarjes 3D (masked) (1) Sarjes 3D (masked) (2) Sarjes 3D (masked) (3) Sarjes 3D (masked) (4)
Casual Sarjes 3D (1) Sarjes 3D (2) Sarjes 3D (3) Sarjes 3D (4)
Big Bang's uniform (BB) Sarjes 3D (1) (BB) Sarjes 3D (2) (BB) Sarjes 3D (3) (BB) Sarjes 3D (4)
Space Rankers' uniform (SR) Sarjes 3D (1) (SR) Sarjes 3D (2) (SR) Sarjes 3D (3) (SR) Sarjes 3D (4)


Celebrating a goal
Goal! It's settled, heh!
Goal! Come on, next!
Goal! I don't feel like losing!
Goal! Anyone who wants to die, come at me!
Goal! We'll push through!
Conceding a goal
You're good.
You're kidding!
That's not good...


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Sarjes, Big Bang has to be defeated first in the post-game.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Purplecoin × 8
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy ピクシーたちの人形 Pixies' Doll (ピクシーたちの人形, randomly dropped from Galaxy Rivals in Space Aliens's left taisen route)
  • Photo: Photo icon Dirty Grafitti (汚いラクガキの写真, taken at Faram Orbius' alley)
  • Topic: Topic icon First Come, First Served (早い者勝ちの話題, obtained at Faram Orbius' square)
  • Topic: Topic icon Time Machine (タイムマシンの話題, obtained in front of the hologram ball in Faram Orbius' square)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 179
  • TP: 160
  • Kick: 188
  • Dribbling: 133
  • Block: 102
  • Catch: 83
  • Technique: 144
  • Speed: 116
  • Stamina: 100
  • Lucky: 85
  • Freedom: 200


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 12Loyal Heart ShotShootFire190858030
Lv. 25Atlas SwordDribbleMountain200858050
Lv. 47Big BangShootFire2008526010
Lv. 75Galactica FallShootVoid2008517010

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Best Match Mixi Max

Taisen route


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy



  • His surname, Luhg, is derived from both ルー (read as "Ruu"), and ルグ (read as "Rugu"), which, in turn, are the Japanese pronunciations for Lugh and Lug, an Irish mythology figure often depicted as a warrior, hinting at his background.
    Interestingly, his forename, Sarjes, is derived from サージェント (read as "Saajento"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of sergeant, referring to his knight status.
    • His dub forename, Circulus, is derived from circle, correlating with the dub naming motif for characters associated with Faram Orbius.
      • Interestingly, he is the only character with this naming scheme not to come from Faram Orbius.
  • When he is Mixi Maxed with Catra, he wears a helmet.
    • For that reason, he was nicknamed Kettle-head by young Catra.
    • If Sarjes Mixi Maxes with Catra with 3 Chouwaza! manuals and uses a move that is base 85 TP or higher, the cost of the TP will round back to low numbers, as the TP cost surpasses 256. This bug was fixed in the second game update.
  • In Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy, he is exclusive to Big Bang.

