JP:His markings are tenacious and persistent. It's difficult escaping his markings. EN:Marks opposing players with dodged persistence. Very difficult to escape.
Chrono Stone
His persistent and tenacious markings on his opponents are seemingly like the clinging seaweed of sailing ships.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He is tall and has dark skin. His hair is gray and spiky, with four spikes sticking up and behind his head, and one down over his forehead. He has black eyes and wears black, semi-rimless glasses.
He played against Raimon along with Kaiou in the Kanto preliminaries finals of the Holy Road tournament.
He first appeared in episode 19, passing the ball to another member in Kaiou but still being skillful by passing it without any problem, after one of the members scores a goal against Raimon, he smiled like most members.
Though in the end, his team, Kaiou lost with 3-2.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
Kaiou Gakuen's uniform
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Kaiou Gakuen's uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO
In order to recruit Saruga, the following requirements are needed:
Item: Convenient SEED Notebook (便利なシード手帳, randomly dropped from Fifth Million (フィフスミリオン) [N] or Fifth Orion (フィフスオリオン) [R] around the Holy Road Stadium)
Topic: Better for the Eyes (もっと目にいいの話題, obtained at Inazuma Town's Shopping District [present])
After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 910 Yuujou points.
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
In order to recruit Saruga, the following requirements are needed:
Coin: × 2
Item: Glasses of Longing (あこがれのメガネ, randomly dropped from Glasses Masters (メガネマスターズ) around Shindou's mansion)
Item: Small Simple Anchor (おてがるなイカリ, randomly dropped from Grand Bangs (グランバングス) at Odaiba's Ocean View Bridge)
His name, Saruga Souma, is derived from サルガッソー (read as "Sarugassoo"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Sargasso, a region in the Atlantic Ocean, a reference to Kaiou Gakuen's naming motif.
His dub name, Roger Jolly, is derived from Jolly Roger, the name for a pirate's flag, which is also a reference to Kaiou Gakuen's naming motif.