Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Segata Ryuuichirou (瀬方(せがた) 隆一郎(りゅういちろう), Segata Ryūichirō), also known as Zel (ゼル, Zeru), is a forward for Epsilon and, later, a forward and the goalkeeper for Epsilon Kai.

In the third season of the Inazuma Eleven anime and its corresponding games, he is a forward for Neo Japan.

In the alternate timeline of Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin, he is a reserve forward for Eisei Gakuen.


(E) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite Normal form
Inazuma Eleven 2JP: He has absolute confidence in his own strength and blames those around him when things don't go smoothly.
EN: Has an unshakeable belief in his own abilities and blames others when things go wrong.
Inazuma Eleven 3
GalaxyHe has absolute self-confidence in his abilities, but blames others when things don't go too smoothly.
Victory RoadJP: He has absolute confidence in his own strength and blames those around him when things don't go smoothly.
EN: Has total confidence in his own skill, and blames those around him when things go wrong.
StrikersJP: He has absolute confidence in his own strength and blames those around him when things don't go smoothly.
EN: Has an unshakeable self-belief and blames others when things go wrong.
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013
(EK) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite Normal form
Inazuma Eleven 2JP: His assumptions of his own plays got so bad, he even lashes out at the referee.
EN: He's so sure of himself on the pitch that he won't listen to a word the ref tells him.
Inazuma Eleven 3


Zel is tall and has tan white hair and tanned skin. His eyes are orange and his hair is spiked and short. His casual clothes consists of a long-sleeved blue t-shirt and brown pants. He also has pointy ears.


Zel, like all the members of the Aliea Gakuen, used soccer as destruction that gave him an evil personality and he got along very well with Macure, Metron, Desarm and Krypto.

Zel as a human this time enjoys soccer in a fun way as Endou and the others, them but now he feels the desire to participate in the FFI since they didn't even call him to participate in the selection match.


Inazuma Eleven[]

Season 2[]

He played as a forward when Desarm became a goalkeeper. But when Fubuki leaves the game and nobody can break through the Seigi no Tekken, Desarm switches positions with him to "have more fun", but later switches back to the position of forward when Gouenji returns and was able to break through Wormhole.

Season 3[]

In season 3, Zel comes back as a striker for Neo Japan. He learns Reflect Buster V2 and becomes a partner for Triangle Z Kai, but in the end Neo Japan loses 2-1.

Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin[]

Zel is part of Eisei Gakuen, where a variety of players of Ohisama En are part of. They made it into the main tournament of the Football Frontier, and played Inakuni Raimon in the quarter-finals. Zel unfortunately was benched for this match. From the bench, he saw Eisei Gakuen go 3-2 behind. At the end of the first half, he was substituted on when Yagami Reina injured her leg. He played the rest of the match, where he played his best. He passed the ball to Kiyama Tatsuya at the end of the match, who proceeded to used Cosmic Blaster with Kira Hiroto. However, as it got stopped, Eisei Gakuen ended up losing 6-5 to Inakuni Raimon. Though they were disappointed for losing, they became a real team, and were happy about that.

Inazuma Eleven Orion no Kokuin[]

He appeared during the meeting with Hiroto, Tatsuya and Saginuma before they left to Russia for the FFI tournament. The team gathered to welcome their teammates with all due respect and praise them for what they've already achieved.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Epsilon's uniform (E OW) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite (E) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite
Epsilon Kai's uniform (EK) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite
The Genesis' uniform (TG-A OW) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite (TG-A) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite
(TG-A) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite (GO)
Neo Japan's uniform (NJ OW) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite (NJ) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite

Victory Road avatar[]

Aliea Masters' uniform (TG) Zel sprite (VR)

Strikers avatar[]

Avatar Sprite
Neo Japan (NJ) Segata Ryuuichirou sprite (S) (NJ) Segata Ryuuichirou versus sprite (S) (1)(NJ) Segata Ryuuichirou versus sprite (S) (2)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Epsilon's uniform (E) Zel 3D (1) (E) Zel 3D (2) (E) Zel 3D (3) (E) Zel 3D (4)
Epsilon Kai's uniform (EK) Zel 3D (1) (EK) Zel 3D (2) (EK) Zel 3D (3) (EK) Zel 3D (4)
Neo Japan's uniform (NJ) Zel 3D (1) (NJ) Zel 3D (2) (NJ) Zel 3D (3) (NJ) Zel 3D (4)
The Genesis' uniform (GO) (TG-A) Zel 3D (GO) (1) (TG-A) Zel 3D (GO) (2) (TG-A) Zel 3D (GO) (3) (TG-A) Zel 3D (GO) (4)
Aliea Masters' uniform (TG) Zel 3D (VR) (1) (TG) Zel 3D (VR) (2) (TG) Zel 3D (VR) (3) (TG) Zel 3D (VR) (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Zel, Ixal Fleet has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Purplecoin × 3
  • Item: Kizuna Chrono Stone エイリア石鹸 Aliea Soap (エイリア石鹸, randomly dropped from The Genesis in Fuyukai Suguru's right taisen route)
  • Photo: Photo icon Materials for Constructions Work (工事用資材の写真, taken at Inazuma Town's outskirts)
  • Photo: Photo icon 3 Colored Soccer Ball (3色のサッカーボールの写真, taken at Odaiba's Seaside Stadium)
  • Topic: Topic icon Narcissist (ナルシストの話題, obtained at Raimon's parking lot)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 2
Epsilon form
  • GP: 180
  • TP: 72
  • Kick: 69
  • Body: 64
  • Control: 52
  • Guard: 75
  • Speed: 63
  • Stamina: 68
  • Guts: 60
  • Freedom: 22

Epsilon Kai form
  • GP: 193
  • TP: 96
  • Kick: 73
  • Body: 66
  • Control: 53
  • Guard: 76
  • Speed: 60
  • Stamina: 73
  • Guts: 70
  • Freedom: 19
Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 150
  • TP: 136
  • Kick: 144
  • Dribbling: 119
  • Block: 92
  • Catch: 81
  • Technique: 112
  • Speed: 121
  • Stamina: 104
  • Lucky: 83
  • Freedom: 200

All stats are fully upgraded.

Inazuma Eleven Strikers
  • TP: 160
  • Kick: B
  • Guard: B
  • Body: B
  • Speed: B
  • Control: C
  • Catch: B
Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013

All stats are at max rank and level 30.

Inazuma Eleven Eiyuutachi no Victory Road
  • Kick: 148
  • Control: 116
  • Pressure: 84
  • Physical: 108
  • Agility: 96
  • Intelligence: 86
  • Technique: 124


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha
Normal form
Lv. 1Ganymede ProtonShootForest8424
Lv. 1Gaia BreakShootMountain11431
Lv. 60WormholeCatchForest6619
Lv. 88Jikuu no KabePunchCatchWind10525
Epsilon Kai form
Lv. 1Ganymede ProtonShootForest8424
Lv. 1Gaia BreakShootMountain11431
Lv. 1WormholeCatchForest6619
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Normal form
Lv. 1Ganymede ProtonShootForest6040
Lv. 1Reflect BusterShootMountain6040
Lv. 10Triangle ZShootFire9355
Lv. 50WormholeCatchForest5540
Epsilon Kai form
Lv. 1Ganymede ProtonShootForest6040
Lv. 1Gaia BreakShootMountain10661
Lv. 1Drill Smasher V2PunchCatchFire8050
Lv. 50BurnoutCatchFire8050
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 3Ganymede ProtonShoot blockShootForest13055605
Lv. 21Wolf LegendLong ShootShootWind10040505
Lv. 31Long ShooterSkill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 48Bubble BoilShoot chainShootWind13055605
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Eiyuutachi no Victory Road
(Lv. 30)
Lv. 1Ganymede ProtonShootForest24090
Lv. 17WormholeCatchForest24590
EnemyDrill SmasherCatchFire255100

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers
Level 2Ganymede ProtonShootForest7030
Level 2Reflect BusterShootMountain7030
CombinationGaia BreakShootMountain10030
Level 1WormholeKeeperForest5030
Level 2Burnout
(European version only)
Level 3Drill Smasher V2 Punch
(European version only)
Partner only
CombinationTriangle ZShootFire11030
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Level 2Ganymede ProtonShootForest7030
Level 2Reflect BusterShootMountain7030
CombinationGaia BreakShootMountain10030
Level 1WormholeKeeperForest5030
Level 2BurnoutKeeperFire7030
Level 3Drill Smasher V2 PunchKeeperFire10060
Partner only
CombinationTriangle ZShootFire11030
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Level 2Ganymede ProtonShootForest7040
Level 2Reflect BusterShootMountain7040
CombinationGaia BreakShootMountain10030
Level 1WormholeKeeperForest5030
Level 2BurnoutKeeperFire7040
Level 3Drill Smasher V2 PunchKeeperFire10060
Partner only
CombinationTriangle ZShootFire11030

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Passive Skill[]

Passive Skill
(VR) Shot AT passiveWhen same-element player is nearby, own Shot AT +3%
(VR) Shot AT passiveWhen same-element player is nearby, own Shot AT +5%
(VR) Focus passiveFocus value +3% for different-position players
(VR) Sprinting Foul Rate passive(VR) Rough Play buildTeam's foul rate -5% when dashing
(VR) Tension passive(VR) Rough Play buildAfter team scatters opponents by dashing, Tension increases by 3%

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven 2
Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven Eiyuutachi no Victory Road




