Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki
This article is about the character referred to as "Senguuji." For other uses, see Senguuji (disambiguation).

Senguuji Daigo (千宮路(せんぐうじ) 大悟(だいご), Sengūji Daigo) is the main antagonist of Inazuma Eleven GO. He is also the coach for Dragonlink.


Profile (as coach)
GOJP: The hidden mastermind who controls Fifth Sector. The coach of the strongest team, Dragonlink.
EN: The shadowy figure pulling the strings of Fifth Sector. Dragon Link's coach.
Chrono StoneJP: The hidden mastermind who controls Fifth Sector. The coach of the strongest team, Dragonlink.
EN: The man pulling Fifth Sector's strings is also the coach of Dragon Link.
GalaxyThe hidden mastermind who controls Fifth Sector. Dragonlink's coach, the managed soccer team.

Profile (as player)
GalaxyThe man in the shadows responsible for controlling Fifth Sector. He attempted to make Junior High School soccer equal.


He has slicked back pink hair that reaches to the bottom of his neck. He has tanned skin and grey eyes. He is always seen wearing a white suit with a red shirt, black tie and gold pin on his collar.


He has a deceptive and charismatic/convincing personality, as he was able to convince Gouenji Shuuya, who loves soccer very much, to become the Holy Emperor of the Fifth Sector, which wanted to control soccer. He was also seen to be a kind person at the end of Inazuma Eleven GO, despite being the former Holy Emperor.



When he was young, he loved soccer very much. However, at the time of his childhood, soccer was only for the wealthy, and since he was poor, he couldn't play, so he stole a soccer ball. Later, he was caught and had the soccer ball taken away and he was imprisoned for stealing the soccer ball.

Inazuma Eleven GO[]

He first appeared in episode 33, where he was standing by Ishido Shuuji's side and talking to him in Fifth Sector's base.

He is seen again in episode 37. It is shown that Tenma was sitting outside looking at two children playing soccer, after that Senguuji came and stopped the ball and he started looking at Tenma.

In episode 41, he was seen in the Heavenly Emperor Stadium, watching the final opposing Seidouzan to Raimon. In episode 42, he was seen in a flashback where he stole a soccer ball and then he was jailed. At the half-time, he said to Ishido that he was really disappointed with the tied score (2-2). He then told Ishido that he is sacked from Seidouzan and that he became the new coach of the team, with new players: his own team, Dragonlink.

In episode 44, he was shocked when Raimon scored and won. But at the end, he finally understood that controlling soccer was a bad thing.

Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone[]

He was seen in episode 7 in one of Gouenji Shuuya's flashbacks, at the time when he was still the Holy Emperor. He was talking with Ishido about the Second Stage Children and Helper X.


Inazuma Eleven GO the Movie: The Ultimate Bonds Gryphon[]

At the end of the movie was shown a cliffhanger where him and Ishido Shuuji talked with each other about children whose power reached a high stage so high, beyond human limits; the Second Stage Children. Senguuji said some of these children already existed in this era, and that the true goal of Fifth Sector was to find children having a such power, as the Helper X ordered them to do. Then, he made Ishido the Holy Emperor, giving him the task to find such children.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Casual (D) Senguuji Daigo sprite (coach)
Dragonlink's uniform (D) Senguuji Daigo sprite
Earth Eleven's jacket (EE-J) Senguuji Daigo sprite
Versus sprite (D) Senguuji Daigo sprite (versus)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Casual Senguuji 3D (1) Senguuji 3D (2) Senguuji 3D (3) Senguuji 3D (4)


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Senguuji, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Redcoin × 2
  • Photo: Photo icon Photo From the Gymnasium's Stage (体育館の壇上からの写真, taken from Raimon's gymnasium stage)
  • Photo: Photo icon Peerless (天下無双の写真, taken at Kusaka Ryuuji's room in Galaxy Nauts Gou's dorm car 2)
  • Photo: Photo icon Globe (地球儀の写真, taken at Minaho Kazuto's room in Galaxy Nauts Gou's dorm car 3)
  • Record: Record icon Seeking Strong Enemies Yet to be Seen (まだ見ぬ強敵を求めて, beat the game exclusive team after connecting (Big Bang/Supernova))

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 153
  • TP: 142
  • Kick: 95
  • Dribbling: 138
  • Block: 100
  • Catch: 92
  • Technique: 125
  • Speed: 76
  • Stamina: 107
  • Lucky: 81
  • Freedom: 200


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 1Hitori One-TwoDribbleFire3010100
Lv. 16Bakunetsu ScrewShoot chainShootFire13055605
Lv. 22Jibashiri KaenBlockFire6015305
Lv. 58Round SparkDribbleFire160707050

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Coach effect[]

Coach effect
GOKick ±10
Dribble ±20
Technique ±10
Chrono StoneThousand Road +30

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy



  • His forename, Daigo, was also the name of the eponymous 60th Emperor of Japan, a reference to him being the Holy Emperor of Fifth Sector.
    • His dub surname, Cinquedea, is Italian for five fingers, a reference to Dragonlink's naming motif.
  • In the Inazuma Eleven GO game, it is mentioned he is from Germany and wanted to be a soccer player, but was made unable to after he stole a soccer ball.
  • In the manga, he destroyed Raimon's school, like Kageyama destroying the schools.

