School year
Unknown year
Smile (スマイル, Sumairu ) is a defender for Tenmas , and, later, for Raimon .
Profile [ ]
Chrono Stone JP: T.B.A. EN: A dupli of Fei's whose cheery grin keeps morale high in the team. Galaxy
Appearance [ ]
She wears a yellow headband. She has green hair tied into two ponytails and green eyes. She sticks out her tongue most of the time.
Plot [ ]
She first appeared in episode 1 with the rest of Tenmas . She fought alongside her team against Protocol Omega . At the end of the episode, the score was 1-0 for Protocol Omega due to Alpha using his Keshin and fusing with it and scoring the first goal with a mighty shoot.
In episode 4 , she and other Dupli wear Raimon's uniform and fight against Protocol Omega . She and Strow trying to stop Alpha 's shoot, but failed.
In episode 11 , she fought against Protocol Omega 2.0 and used 3D Reflector with the other members.
Game appearance [ ]
Character avatar [ ]
Tenmas' uniform
Raimon (Chrono Stone )'s uniform
Strikers avatar[ ]
Character view [ ]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Tenmas' uniform
Raimon (Chrono Stone )'s uniform
Recruitment [ ]
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
In order to recruit Smile, the following requirements are needed:
Item : Lovely Membership Card (かわいらしい会員証, randomly dropped from Pretty Team (プリティチーム) in Inazuma Town 's park )
Topic : Women Soccer Team (女子サッカーチームの話題, obtained at the Riverbank )
Photo : Future City's Oasis (未来都市のオアシスの写真, taken at Saint Elda )
Player : Nakkii
After this, she can be scouted for an amount of 650 Yuujou points.
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Stats [ ]
All stats are at level 99 and untrained.
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
GP : 105
TP : 147
Kick : 88
Dribbling : 98
Block : 136
Catch : 104
Technique : 107
Speed : 121
Stamina : 90
Lucky : 117 (107)
Freedom : 70
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
GP : 105
TP : 147
Kick : 88
Dribbling : 98
Block : 136
Catch : 104
Technique : 107
Speed : 121
Stamina : 90
Lucky : 117 (107)
Freedom : 220
All stats are fully upgraded.
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
TP : 190
Kick : A
Guard : S
Body : A
Speed : S
Control : A
Catch : A
Hissatsu [ ]
Main-series games [ ]
Spin-off games [ ]
Keshin [ ]
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Keshin Armed [ ]
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Game exclusive teams [ ]
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Gallery [ ]
Smile as
Einam passes her.
Strow and Smile's double defense being beaten.
Trivia [ ]
Navigation [ ]
Tenmas Members (real) Members (dupli) Coach
Raimon (Chrono Stone) Main members
Chrono Storm Club members Former member Duplies
Temporary members
Sengoku era Three Kingdoms era Bakumatsu era