Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Special Training (特訓(とっくん), Tokkun), simply also known as Training in the English localization, is a game mechanic introduced in Inazuma Eleven where parameters are raised.


Special Training points[]

Special Training points (特訓(とっくん)ポイント, Tokkun pointo; dub: special training spots) are primarily used for raising parameters on players at the cost of a fixed amount of Nekketsu points. Special Training points are indicated in the in-game map by lightning symbols. If the lightning symbol isn't lit up, it can't be used until further progress in the game's story mode.

Each usage of the Special Training points will increase the amount of Nekketsu points needed for the player being trained. After a fixed number of tries, Special Training will start lowering a specific parameter in order to raise the one being trained, using the player's Freedom parameter until Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy, wherein the player's Freedom parameter will only be able to raise a specific paramater with no drawbacks to other parameters when Special Training. Some games will have more than one Special Training spot to train a certain parameter, with the second point giving higher paramater increments than the first one.

Training Centers[]

In the Inazuma Eleven Nintendo DS games, alongside Special Training points, players can also be trained in Training Centers (修練場(しゅうれんじょう), Shūrenjō; dub: Training Facility), raising all parameters of all players on the player's main party by undergoing one of its Courses.

In each game, there's at least one Training Center, them being:

  • Inazuma Eleven: Inabikari Training Center, located underneath the statue to the right of Raimon's main pitch.
  • Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha: Naniwa Training Center (ナニワ修練場(しゅうれんじょう), Naniwa Shūrenjō; dub: Naniwa Training Facility), located inside a building in Naniwa Land.
  • Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!: Underground Training Center (地下(ちか)修練場(しゅうれんじょう), Chika Shūrenjō; dub: Training Facility), located down the stairs near the gacha machine in the Japanese area in Liocott Island while the other is at the end of the left path in Liocott Island's Central Park, which is used to get experience points rather than raising parameters.

All parameter-raising Training Centers feature six Special Training Courses, them being:

  • Attack Course (アタックコース, Atakku Kōsu): Raises both Kick and Body.
  • Defense Course (ディフェンスコース, Difensu Kōsu; dub: Defence Course): Raises Guard.
  • Speed Course (スピードコース, Supīdo Kōsu): Raises Speed.
  • Technique Course (テクニックコース, Tekunikku Kōsu): Raises both Body and Control.
  • Physique Course (たいりょくコース, Tairyoku Kōsu; dub: Strength Course): Raises both Guts and Stamina.
  • Mysterious Course (ふしぎコース, Fushigi Kōsu; dub: Special Course): Raises both GP and TP.

The Underground Training Center which raises experience point gain has two Special Training Courses, them being:

  • Experience Points Up Course (経験値(けいけんち)アップコース, Keikenchi Appu Kōsu; dub: Experience Course): Gain a reasonable amount of experience points upon clearing the Course.
  • Super Experience Points Up Course (スーパー経験値(けいけんち)アップコース, Sūpā Keikenchi Appu Kōsu; dub: Super Experience Course): Gain a huge amount of experience points upon clearing the Course.

All of the Training Center Courses feature a maze with fields comprising of either soccer battles or treasure chests. Once the player reaches the end of the maze, they will be prompted to enter a match where they must win in order to complete the Course. Starting in Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!, the match lasts only for 30 in-game minutes rather than the usual 60. If the player loses any soccer battle, they will be kicked out of the Course and gain no parameter-increase, but will be able to still gain experience points and keep previously found items.


Seesaw Pattern[]

In all main line games prior to Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy, each player is assigned a Seesaw Pattern[note 1] (シーソーのパターン, Shīsō no Patān; dub: Ups and Downs), based on certain criteria. In the Inazuma Eleven Nintendo DS games, all players share the same Seesaw Pattern while in the Inazuma Eleven GO and Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone games, it's dependent of the player's position.

The Seesaw Pattern determines which paramater can be raised until it starts decreasing another paramater linked to the former. In the Inazuma Eleven Nintendo DS games, the player's Seesaw Pattern takes into account all of their current paramaters, excluding GP, TP, and Freedom, subtracting it with their level 99 parameters, including Freedom but excluding GP and TP, before iniating the player's Special Training. Additionally, the parameter undergoing Special Training can only be raised by a total of 50 points. Similarly, in the Inazuma Eleven GO and Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone games, the player's Seesaw Pattern takes into account their position and Freedom, being able to train the desired parameter with no decreases to the linked parameter until Freedom depletes.

Valid only for the Japanese and American releases.
Seesaw Pattern
Kick ↔ Guard
Body ↔ Control
Speed → Stamina → Guts → Speed

Seesaw Pattern
Kick ↔ Control
Speed ↔ Stamina
Body → Guard → Guts → Body

Position Seesaw Pattern
  • Kick ↔ Technique
  • Dribble ↔ Block
  • Catch ↔ Lucky
  • Speed ↔ Stamina
  • Kick ↔ Catch
  • Dribble ↔ Technique
  • Block ↔ Lucky
  • Speed ↔ Stamina
  • Kick ↔ Catch
  • Dribble ↔ Lucky
  • Block ↔ Technique
  • Speed ↔ Stamina
  • Kick ↔ Lucky
  • Dribble ↔ Block
  • Catch ↔ Technique
  • Speed ↔ Stamina

Special Training points[]

Inazuma Eleven games[]

Parameter Point
Point 1 Point 2
Kick Near the stone bridge in Inazuma Town's Riverbank Next to the tree with tires in Inazuma Town's Steel Tower Plaza
Body In front of Inazuma Town's Station
Control Near the playground in Endou's House
Guard Near the entrance gate in Inazuma Town's Shopping District
Speed On Raimon's track field
Stamina In the first floor of Raimon's West Schoolbuilding
Guts On the pitch in Inazuma Town's Shopping District

Parameter Point
Point 1 Point 2
Kick Near the entrance to Nara's Deer Park On the bridge in Ehime
Body Near the stature in Nara's Deer Park On the right side of Oumihara's pitch
Control Near the stairs in Kyouto's Main Street Near Okinawa's Lighthouse
Guard Next to the tree with tires in Inazuma Town's Steel Tower Plaza In the Secret Warehouse of Inazuma Town's Shopping District
Speed Near the entrance to Hokkaidou's Great Snowfield On the Docks in Ehime
Stamina On the left side of Manyuuji's pitch Near Rica's mother okonomiyaki shop
Guts In Hokkaidou's Great Snowfield Near Fukuoka's Empty Lot

Parameter Point
GP On the Main Street in Brazil's Camp
TP On the Square in Cotoarl's camp
Kick On the Scrap Square in America's camp
Body Near Raimon's mudfield
Control In the second floor in Raimon's dorms
Guard Next to the tree with tires in Japan's camp pitch
Speed Near the bridge by the river in Italy's camp
Stamina On the left side of the counter in Toranoya
Guts Near the Bronze Statue Square in Argentina's camp

Training cost[]
Usage number Required Nekketsu points Sum of all Nekketsu points
1 80 80
2 90 170
3 100 270
4 120 390
5 250 640
6 300 940
7 350 1,290
8 400 1,690
9 450 2,140
10 500 2,640
11 580 3220
12 660 3,880
13 750 4,630
14 850 5,480
15 950 6,430
16 1,060 7,490
17 1,160 8,650
18 1,280 9,930
19 1,380 11,310
20 1,500 12,810

Inazuma Eleven GO games[]

Parameter Point
Kick In Raimon's Budoukan
Dribble Next to the boat in Inazuma Town's Riverbank
Technique In Raimon's Old Soccer Clubroom
Block In the back alley in Inazuma Town's Shopping District
Speed On Raimon's track field
Stamina Near Raimon's Second Building by the metal drums
Catch Next to the tree with tires in Inazuma Town's Steel Tower Plaza
Lucky Near the Soccer Deity statue in God Eden

Parameter Point
Kick Next to the tree with tires in Past Inazuma Town's Steel Tower Plaza
Dribble Near the shiisaa statues in Okinawa's school
Block Next to the entrance to Shiroshika's Hideout in the Sengoku era
Catch By the stairs in Jeanne's Base in Medieval France
Technique On the left side of Kongming's Garden in the Three Kingdoms era
Speed On the dead-end street of the Highway in the Bakumatsu era
Stamina In the hill of the southern area of the Ancient Great Plains in the Cretaceous era
Lucky On the dead-end path by the minerals of the Grief Cave in the Fantasy World




  • In Inazuma Eleven GO's game files, Special Training has six types of Seesaw Patterns, although only four are used in regular gameplay.


  1. Only given an in-game name in Inazuma Eleven GO.