Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Stag Kuwatta (スタッグ・クワッタ, Sutaggu Kuwatta) is a midfielder and the captain for Ratoniik Eleven.

In the Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy game, he is also a midfielder for Galaxy Eleven.


GalaxyRatoniik Eleven's captain and also the oldest. As an inhabitant of Ratoniik, his lifespan is considerably long.


Stag has grey skin and is tall in height. His head looks like a helmet, which is dark grey in color. He has mid-length white hair that is separated into several thick strands. His eyes have no pupils, with a white sclera. He also has two long white antennas with start from his nose bridge.


He appeared in episode 32 along with his team, welcoming Earth Eleven.

In episode 33, he practiced with his team as Earth Eleven watched. After Komekkii Shoryou died, he carried his corpse out of the field with 3 of his teammates. After Ryugel Baran and Gandares Baran arrived to the team's clubhouse, he and his team welcomed them much to their surprise. Later, he and his team started their match against Earth Eleven. During the match, he called out to Hopper Bata to steal the ball form Sakura. He later used Mushroom Hop on Minaho successfully. Though he got the ball stolen by Manabe's soul, Ratel.

In episode 34, he used his soul Gusfii to successfully get past Maneuver Gibutsu. After Banda Koroogyu died, he carried his corpse out of the field along with 3 of his teammates. In the end, his team lost with a score of 1-2. He and the rest of his team later went together to bury Banda.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Ratoniik Eleven's uniform (RE) Stag Kuwatta sprite
Galaxy Eleven's uniform (GXE) Stag Kuwatta sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Ratoniik Eleven's uniform (RE) Stag 3D (1) (RE) Stag 3D (2) (RE) Stag 3D (3) (RE) Stag 3D (4)
Galaxy Eleven's uniform (GXE) Stag 3D (1) (GXE) Stag 3D (2) (GXE) Stag 3D (3) (GXE) Stag 3D (4)


Celebrating a goal
Goal! It's settled.
Goal! It's a fun match!
Goal! Come on, next.
Goal! I'm betting on this match!
Goal! Are you tired already?
Conceding a goal
What the!?
Don't do it!
We won't lose!
Not yet!


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Stag, Ixal Fleet has to be defeated in the story mode first.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

  • Coin: Silvercoin × 3
  • Item: Kizuna Galaxy 巨大甲虫ゴラガの角弓 Huge Beetle Goraga's Horned Bow (巨大甲虫ゴラガの角弓, randomly dropped from Night Viper in Roglos Gordon's right taisen route)
  • Photo: Photo icon Huge Nephenthes (巨大ウツボカズラの写真, taken at deep Karamarine Forest: Deepest Part)
  • Topic: Topic icon Fresh Fruit (新鮮なフルーツの話題, obtained at Ratoniik's Gondola Stand)
  • Topic: Topic icon Often Misunderstood (誤解されがちなの話題, obtained in Ratoniik's Juuro Village)

After this, he can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 156
  • TP: 134
  • Kick: 116
  • Dribbling: 144
  • Block: 98
  • Catch: 102
  • Technique: 123
  • Speed: 100
  • Stamina: 104
  • Lucky: 113
  • Freedom: 200


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 4Gigant VineLong ShootShootForest13055605
Lv. 11Mushroom HopDribbleForest14055605
Lv. 34Tentacle HoldBlockForest150557080
Lv. 53Storm ZoneDribbleForest160707050
Legend Gate
-Gigant Vine G3Long ShootShootForest13055605
-真 Mushroom HopDribbleForest14055605
-Quick PassSkill icon (GX)-----


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy



  • His name, Stag Kuwatta, is an amalgamation of the same insect:
    • His forename is derived from stag beetle, an allusion on his appearance and a reference to Ratoniik Eleven's naming motif.
    • His surname is derived from 鍬形 (read as "Kuwagata"), which, in turn, means stag beetle, which is also an allusion on his appearance and a reference to Ratoniik Eleven's naming motif.

