JP:T.B.A. EN:A student guidance teacher who used to need guidance himself.
Inazuma Eleven 2
JP:T.B.A. EN:A one-time wayward youth, he now doles out advice as a student guidance counsellor.
Inazuma Eleven 3
Young form
Inazuma Eleven 2
JP:T.B.A. EN:The baddest boy in town. Strangely enough, his manners are impeccable.
Inazuma Eleven 3
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has slightly tanned skin and blond hair that swerves back and wears teal-framed glasses. He also has pronounced lips. When he was younger, he had a black buzzcut.
Sugata and the other members of Inazuma Eleven had a practice match against Raimon in episode 14. At first it was too easy for the kids because the elders didn't take it seriously, but after Hibiki gave them a pep talk about how the kids look up to them and hope to be like them one day, they reawakened their true power.
He reappeared in episode 24, where he was given the job to oversee Raimon during their training camp.
Season 2[]
Sugata and the rest of the team, with Furukabu as the captain, had a match against Gemini Storm, but because they lost, the school was destroyed.
Later, he was seen cheering for Raimon in their match agsinst the Dark Emperors.