Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Sumeragi Maki

Sumeragi Maki ((すめらぎ) マキ), also known as Macure (マキュア, Makyua), is a forward for Epsilon and, later, for Epsilon Kai.


(E) Sumeragi Maki sprite Normal form
Inazuma Eleven 2JP: She may look girlishly cute, but she snaps right away if things don't go her way.
EN: She looks cute at first glance, but that all changes if she doesn't get her way.
Inazuma Eleven 3
GalaxyHer personality is the complete opposite of her cute looks and snaps immediately if things don't go her way.
StrikersJP: She may look girlishly cute, but she snaps right away if things don't go her way.
EN: She might look cute, but that all changes if she doesn't get her way.
Strikers 2012 Xtreme
GO Strikers 2013
(EK) Sumeragi Maki sprite Epsilon Kai form
Inazuma Eleven 2JP: As a result of her power up, she's always emitting an angry energy.
EN: Her boosted powers allow her to release her energy in violent burst of rage.
Inazuma Eleven 3


Macure has dark turquoise hair with white highlights, similar to Yagami Reina's, and is seen having her hair tied up into two large circular-looking discs that resemble fans or flowers.

She has teal eyes which becomes red like others players in Epsilon Kai. It is also noted that she has pointy ears like Kogure Yuuya and most of the Epsilon players.


Macure is shown to speak in third person a few times, usually saying "Macure doesn't like that guy" or "Macure does not like Raimon". It is mostly just about her disliking the Raimon team back when she was in Epsilon.

Despite talking in third person in the Japanese version, in the dub version, she doesn't speak in third person, just normally in first person. She has been seen in all the matches against Raimon until Okinawa when Epsilon was beaten. Without the meteorite influence, Macure seems to be an energetic and joyful person.


Inazuma Eleven[]

Season 2[]

Macure is introduced as one of the female players of Aliea Gakuen's first rank team, Epsilon, as well as Epsilon Kai. She first appeared with her teammates when Desarm banishes Reize and Gemini Storm from Aliea Gakuen. She later appears during Epsilon's game against Manyuuji.

Season 3[]

After the Aliea Gakuen arc, Macure is shown happily playing her own soccer with the others orphans from Epsilon, Gemini Storm, Diamond Dust, Prominence and The Genesis. This is likely that she cheered for Inazuma Japan with her orphanage friends such as Midorikawa, Saginuma and Hitomiko.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Epsilon's uniform (E OW) Sumeragi Maki sprite (E) Sumeragi Maki sprite
Epsilon Kai's uniform (EK) Sumeragi Maki sprite
The Genesis' uniform (TG-A OW) Sumeragi Maki (TG-A) Sumeragi Maki sprite (GO)

Strikers avatar[]

Avatar Sprite
Aliea Gakuen (AG (S)) Sumeragi Maki sprite (S) (AG (S)) Sumeragi Maki versus sprite (S) (1)(AG (S)) Sumeragi Maki versus sprite (S) (2)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Epsilon's uniform (E) Macure 3D (1) (E) Macure 3D (2) (E) Macure 3D (3) (E) Macure 3D (4)
Epsilon Kai's uniform (EK) Macure 3D (1) (EK) Macure 3D (2) (EK) Macure 3D (3) (EK) Macure 3D (4)
The Genesis' uniform (GO) (TG-A) Macure 3D (GO) (1) (TG-A) Macure 3D (GO) (2) (TG-A) Macure 3D (GO) (3) (TG-A) Macure 3D (GO) (4)


Inazuma Eleven 2

In order to recruit Macure, Epsilon Kai has to be defeated first in the story mode. After selecting her on Hibiki's scouting machine, she will be next to Naniwa Land's roller coaster and will only challenge the player if the player's team is at level 40 or higher wherein the player has to score 2 goals once talked to.

Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

In order to recruit Macure, Ixal Fleet has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

After this, she can be scouted.


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 2
Epsilon form
  • GP: 149
  • TP: 76
  • Kick: 70
  • Body: 58
  • Control: 61
  • Guard: 52
  • Speed: 71
  • Stamina: 53
  • Guts: 53
  • Freedom: 20

Epsilon Kai form
  • GP: 171
  • TP: 92
  • Kick: 61
  • Body: 62
  • Control: 61
  • Guard: 52
  • Speed: 79
  • Stamina: 57
  • Guts: 61
  • Freedom: 14
Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
  • GP: 129
  • TP: 164
  • Kick: 152
  • Dribbling: 119
  • Block: 123
  • Catch: 90
  • Technique: 107
  • Speed: 121
  • Stamina: 78
  • Lucky: 102
  • Freedom: 200

All stats are fully upgraded.

Inazuma Eleven Strikers
  • TP: 140
  • Kick: B
  • Guard: C
  • Body: B
  • Speed: B
  • Control: B
  • Catch: C
Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha
Normal form
Lv. 1Gaia BreakShootMountain11431
Lv. 1Meteor ShowerDribbleFire5714
Lv. 36Rose SplashShootForest6035
Lv. 70GungnirLong ShootShootWind9628
Epsilon Kai form
Lv. 1Meteor ShowerDribbleFire5714
Lv. 1Gaia BreakShootMountain11431
Lv. 1Asteroid BeltShoot blockBlockForest8020
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Normal form
Lv. 1Back TornadoShoot blockShootWind4131
Lv. 1Meteor ShowerDribbleFire4938
Lv. 55GunshotShootFire6743
Lv. 65GungnirLong ShootShootWind9366
Epsilon Kai form
Lv. 1Meteor ShowerDribbleFire4938
Lv. 1Speed PlusSkill icon (GX)---
Lv. 1Asteroid Belt 改Shoot blockBlockForest6846
Lv. 50The HurricaneShootWind9958
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Lv. 1GungnirLong ShootShootForest7030405
Lv. 17Chain ShooterSkill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 35Ribbon ShowerDribbleWind100405030
Lv. 52Koutei Penguin 7Long ShootShootWind16070705

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers
Level 1Back Tornado Shoot blockShootWind6030
CombinationGaia BreakShootMountain10030
Level 1Meteor ShowerDribbleFire5030
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2012 Xtreme
Level 1Back Tornado Shoot blockShootWind6030
CombinationGaia BreakShootMountain10030
Level 1Meteor ShowerDribbleFire5030
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Level 1Back Tornado Shoot blockShootWind6030
CombinationGaia BreakShootMountain10030
Level 1Meteor ShowerDribbleFire5030


Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Keshin Armed[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven 2
Inazuma Eleven 3
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven Strikers


  • Her alien name, Macure, is derived from マーキュリー (read as "Maakyurii"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of mercury, a chemical element, a reference to Epsilon's naming motif.
    • Interestingly, her dub name, Carrie McCuring, is derived from Marie Curie, a Polish physicist, chemist, and feminist.

