JP:A young boy they meet in the Owari Province who loves kemari. He is the son of a tofu maker and Katsu’s younger brother. EN:A keen kemari player from Owari. Son of a tofu-maker and Katsu's brother.
A young boy they meet in the Owari Province who loves kemari. He is the son of a tofu maker and Katsu’s younger brother.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He has spiky dark brown hair and black eyes. He wears green traditional clothes with dark green sleeves.
He first appeared in episode 12. He was seen playing soccer with his friends. After that, he met Tenma, Shinsuke and Aoi. Later, he appeared with his sister, Katsu. He also bows when Nobunaga came. He was also surprised when Nobunaga stopped a horse with his hand.
He played as forward for Raimon in episode 13. In the second half, he played as defender in order to help them to play soccer.
In episode 14, he watches Raimon getting inside the festival.
In episode 17, he and the others used Ichiyajou again. When Beta received the ball, he used his face to block the pass. At the end, Raimon won with 3-2. He was seen that he was happy about Raimon's victory along with the others. Before Raimon departed, Tasuke was seen talking to Tenma, and he said that he was happy that he could learn soccer and he had the chance to play soccer with Tenma. After Raimon departed, he was trying to comfort Katsu when she was crying.
Game appearance[]
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Raimon (Chrono Stone)'s uniform
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Shinsei Raimon
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Kodomo no Hi
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Raimon (Chrono Stone)'s uniform
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Kodomo no Hi
Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
In order to recruit Tasuke, the following requirements are needed: