真直ぐ向かって スタートきろう
てっぺんへ そう てっぺんさ
生きてるだけで 勝手にやってくる勝負どころ
二つに一つ選べって・・・ 遂に来ちまった
焦る事はない 運命は決まっていたんだ
どうする? やるか やめるか やめちまうか?
否! やるだろ
間違う事を恐れるな 諦める事を怖がろう
心配ないさ 信じ合えるチームだろ
全員で進むぜ 俺達は間違えない
出会った時から重ねた時間 決して無駄にはしない
真直ぐ向かって スタートきろう
てっぺんへ そう てっぺんさ
さぁ ダッシュするぜ
モーレツ! モーレツ!
ダッシュ ダッシュ
ダダダ ダダダダ
檄アツ 激裂 檄ダッシュ
Teppen meza sou
Massugu mukatte sutaato kirou
Teppen e sou teppen sa
Teppen shika mienai
Ikiteru dake de katte ni yatte kuru shoubu dokoro
Futatsu ni hitotsu erabette... tsui ni kichimatta
Aseru koto wa nai unmei wa kimatte itan da
Dou suru? Yaru ka yameru ka yamechimau ka?
Ina! Yaru daro?
Machigau koto wo osoreru na akirameru koto wo kowagarou
Shinpai nai sa shinjiaeru chiimu daro?
Zenin de susumu ze oretachi wa machigaenai
Deatta toki kara kasaneta jikan kesshite muda ni wa shinai
Teppen meza sou
Massugu mukatte sutaato kirou
Teppen e sou teppen sa
Teppen shika mienai
Saa dasshu suru ze!
Mouretsu dasshu
Mouretsu! Mouretsu!
Dasshu dasshu!
Da da da da da da da
Geki dasshu!
Geki atsu gekiretsu geki dasshu
Aim for the top!
Let's start heading straight forward
To the top, yes, to the top
See nothing but the top
We're simply living life, and the turning point has come upon us
The decision has finally come...to choose one of two
There's no need to hurry, our fate is set in stone
What do we do? Go or no go? Do we give up?
No way! We'll do it
Don't fear making mistakes, fear giving up
You shouldn't worry, believe in your team
As we all advance, we can't make a mistake
None of the time we've spent since we met will be in vain
Aim for the top!
Let's start heading straight forward
To the top, yes, to the top
See nothing but the top
Now! Let's get dashing!
Intense dash!
Intense! Intense!
Dash! Dash!
Da-da-da! Da-da-da-da!
Super dash!
Fired up, furious super dash!
Take it to the top!
Just keep looking forward, let's get a move on
Take it to the top, yeah!
Make that summit all we can see
Here in this life we're living,
We all face challenges that feel like win or bust
A time will come for you to pick one or the other
And for you, that time is nigh
There's no reason to hesitate, our destiny lies ahead
What to do or give up? Or give it a go?
Should we give up? No way! (We're gonna go!)
Making mistakes is nothing to fear, no
The only thing to fear is surrender in our hearts
No need to worry, trust in each other
You're a team, don't you know?
If we move up as a team,
Then there's no way we can make a big mistake
All the time we've spent together
Since the day we met each other
Absolutely has not been a waste
Take it to the top!
Just keep looking forward, let's get a move on
Take it to the top, yeah!
That summit is all we can see
Faster than you know
Super dash!
Super dash, go fiercer!
Go faster!
D-D-Dash, D-D-D-Dash!
Faster than you know
Fiercer, faster, stronger, better, super dash