In the anime, it used by Astaroth and is shown to evolve up to V3. It is cited that it is one of the most powerful catch hissatsu.
It made its debut when Astaroth played for Makai Gundan Z. It stopped Fudou's normal shoot, and almost suceeded against Koutei Penguin 3gou. It appeared again in the match of FFI's players against Dark Angel, evolved to V2. It was able to stop easily Crossfire Kai, showing its power. However, it wasn't able to stop Grand Fire G2, and Astaroth was forced to evolve it to V3 for trying to stop the shoot chain formed by Fidio Aldena's Odin Sword and Grand Fire G2, but it failed.
The user holds their right wrist with their left hand. As they turn their right hand, darkness is formed around the hand and the ball. The darkness smashes the ball until it completely disappears.