Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki

Toguchi Masahiro (渡具知(とぐち) 雅洋(まさひろ)) is a midfielder and the secondary captain for Oumihara after Tsunami joined Raimon.


Inazuma Eleven 2JP: He loves using goats to cook. Despite its bad smell, he's crazy about it.
EN: He swears by goat milk, though those around him complain of the smell.
Inazuma Eleven 3


Toguchi, like his teammates, has fairly dark skin. He has red dreadlocks that he ties together on the side of his forehead. He is never seen without his shaded sunglasses and a smirk.


Not much is known about his personality. The only thing that is known is that he rides the beat. However, judging solely by his expression he appears to be somewhat smug.


Tsunami introduces Toguchi by saying that "this guy lives in Noriyama Town," proving that he's good with water. During the match between Oumihara and Raimon he is seen easily passing Tachimukai several times, as well as stealing the ball from Touko. He later attempts to slide tackle Kidou, but misses due to Kidou's new found knowledge of Oumihara's strategy. Oumihara ends up losing the match 0-1.

Game appearance[]

Character sprite and avatar[]

Overworld Avatar
Oumihara's uniform (O OW) Toguchi Masahiro sprite (O) Toguchi Masahiro sprite(O-A) Toguchi Masahiro sprite

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Oumihara's uniform (O) Toguchi 3D (1) (O) Toguchi 3D (2) (O) Toguchi 3D (3) (O) Toguchi 3D (4)


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven 2
  • GP: 158
  • TP: 156
  • Kick: 60
  • Body: 57
  • Control: 53
  • Guard: 56
  • Speed: 61
  • Stamina: 53
  • Guts: 60
  • Freedom: 17
Inazuma Eleven 3


Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryakusha
Lv. 1Phantom ShootShootForest3324
Lv. 1Blade AttackBlockWind2923
Lv. 37Judge ThroughDribbleFire5122
Lv. 42CycloneBlockWind5432
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!!
Lv. 1Phantom ShootShoot chainShootForest1821
Lv. 1Blade AttackBlockWind1824
Lv. 37Whale GuardBlockWind7350
Lv. 42CycloneBlockWind4938

Game exclusive teams[]



  • In Inazuma Eleven SD, game files indicate his Shuurenjou form was planned to appear as a playable figure, but, ultimately, ended up being unused.

