Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Inazuma Eleven Wiki
Not to be confused with Yuuchi.
For the character referred by the same localized name, see Vladimir.

Tsurugi Yuuichi

Tsurugi Yuuichi (剣城(つるぎ) 優一(ゆういち), Tsurugi Yūichi) is one of the supporting characters in the Inazuma Eleven GO and Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone series. He is the elder brother of Tsurugi Kyousuke.

In the alternate timeline, he is a forward for Tenmas, and, later, for Raimon.


Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (casual) Alternate form
Chrono StoneJP: If he hadn't been injured in his childhood... Tsurugi Kyousuke's older brother from a parallel world.
EN: Victor's older brother from a parallel universe in which he was never hurt...
GO Strikers 2013If he hadn't been injured in his childhood... Tsurugi Kyousuke's older brother from a parallel world.
(R (CS)) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (MM) Mixi Max form
GalaxyYuuichi and his little brother Kyousuke's Mixi Maxed form. Since they're brothers, they're compatible and are bursting with outstanding power.
Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (casual) (young) Child form
GalaxyTsurugi Yuuichi when he was younger, playing with his little brother, Kyousuke. He was healthy just before the the unfortunate accident happened.


His appearance is quite similar to that of his younger brother Tsurugi Kyousuke. Both share dark-blue hair and similar hairstyles, though his is let down while Kyousuke's points upward. He also has a small mole below his lips. Yuuichi's eye color is slightly darker than his brother's, being closer to brown than orange.

He is mostly seen wearing patient clothes in the hospital. It is seen that when he was young, he used to wear a white T-shirt with blue stripes and a black star. He also wore blue shorts and trainers. He used a wheelchair to move around in Inazuma Eleven GO before it got switched to crutches in Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy.

His casual clothes consist of a white shirt with pink inside and collar and dark grey pants.

Alternate form[]

In the alternate timeline, Yuuichi wears a black T-shirt with purple pants as his casual clothes. His hair is straighter and closer to his brother's hairstyle while his gaze gets sharper.

Keshin Armed[]

When using Keshin Armed and arming himself with Ma Senshi Pendragon, Yuuichi wears a cyan and black armor with black gloves, black boots and a black belt. He also has cyan and black wings, shaped similarly to those of his Keshin.

His headpiece is almost identical to that of Ma Senshi Pendragon, white with two black horns positioned on the front.

Mixi Max[]

While Mixi Maxed with Kyousuke, he gains Kyousuke's ponytail and spikes on top of his. His face features become chiseled and he gets significantly more muscular.


He is a very nice, friendly, kind and caring brother, having saved his brother Kyousuke from getting hurt by falling off a tree as he had climbed up there to get their soccer ball. He seems to be a big fan of Gouenji, just like his younger brother.

Even though he loves soccer, he accepts the fact that his condition doesn't allow him to play. When he heard Kyousuke talking to Kuroki Zenzou about his surgery, he became mad at Kyousuke for 'abandoning' the soccer that they both love by collaborating with Fifth Sector. He is however determined to get better and play soccer with his brother again, and is undergoing physical therapy to slowly improve his condition. He sometimes teases Kyousuke about his camaraderie with his teammates, but is shown to be genuinely concerned about whether his brother is able to make friends.

The Yuuichi from the alternate timeline is bolder and more fiery, as he was allowed to become a talented player at the cost of Kyousuke giving up the sport. He thinks Kyousuke's love for soccer is greater than his, and that's what push him to try everything to give it back to him.



(Yuuichi was 12 at the moment and Kyousuke was 7, now, Yuuichi is 18 and Kyousuke is 13.) He and his little brother Kyousuke were playing soccer, pretending to be like Gouenji Shuuya. After Kyousuke kicked the ball, it accidentally flew up and got stuck up on a tree branch.

Kyousuke recklessly tried to get the ball back by climbing up. Yuuichi warned him not to climb up because it was dangerous, but Kyousuke said not to worry. As he was close to getting the ball, the branch that he held onto broke and Kyousuke fell. Yuuichi saved him but got his legs injured in the process. He was brought to the hospital and the doctor said that it was severe and it would take a long time to recover. Kyousuke wept when he heard that Yuuchi couldn't play soccer again.

Inazuma Eleven GO[]

He stayed in the hospital for 6 years, waiting for his injured leg to recover. He was first seen watching two siblings playing soccer. Kyousuke visits him in his room in the hospital often.

They both talked to each other outside, talking about their past before his accident happened which made his younger brother felt very guilty.

During episode 14, Kyousuke is shown agitated and worried while watching his brother attempt to walk again with a nurse watching him. Then in episode 15, his brother visits him again, and unexpectedly, Matsukaze Tenma arrives to which Matsukaze introduced himself, though Kyousuke dragged him outside.

His younger brother decided to stay at the hospital even when the match of Raimon started in episode 16. Later, Kyousuke was visited by his old coach and talks a bit, Yuuichi overhears the discussion and is very surprised. It is revealed that Kyousuke had made a deal with Fifth Sector that if Raimon lost the tournament then they will pay for Yuuichi's surgery.

In episode 17, he is seen crying and he is disappointed in Kyousuke that he got involved with Fifth Sector. Kyousuke deeply thinks what he will do. In the end, Kyousuke helped Raimon and Raimon won in the end. Yuuichi was happy to see Kyousuke enjoying the match, and says that he hopes his brother will be able to follow his own path.

In episode 21, he is seen wishing Kyousuke the best of luck for their next upcoming match in the Holy Road tournament. He appeared again in episode 33 where he was trying to walk with his brother also Tenma was watching them. Although it hurts sometimes, he said that he won't give up just like Kyousuke.

In episode 41, it is said that he will take the surgery, as an unknown person paid for it, which made Tsurugi happy and was about to cry but Yuuichi cheered him up. He is seen watching the final match after that.

Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone[]

The following part refers to an alternate universe version of Yuuichi whose history is different than the character in Inazuma Eleven GO.

Yuuichi first appeared in episode 3 and joined the Tenmas to play against Protocol Omega. Immediately, he recovered the ball and dribbled past most of the members of the adverse team. He then used his Keshin, Ma Senshi Pendragon, and fused with it to create a Keshin Armed. Tenma did the same and they made a mighty shoot which scored the second and final goal for Tenmas, giving them the victory 2-0 against Protocol Omega. After that, Alpha and his team left.

He later explained that in his timeline, his leg injuries never happened and eventually he and his brother were given the chance of going abroad to play soccer. However, their father could only pay for one of them go. Yuuichi told them to let Tsurugi Kyousuke go, since he loved soccer much more than him, but his brother replied to send Yuuichi instead, saying that he was tired of soccer.

He then asks Tenma and Fei to let him join Tenmas in order to bring soccer back to Kyousuke, which both of them accepts. It was later revealed by Shindou Takuto that Yuuichi was one of the strongest players of Raimon during his time at the school, and that he often returns to see how the team is going.

In episode 4 he wanted to play soccer with Tsurugi one more time before he would fade from existence. While Kyousuke initially refused, his wish was later granted when they played together at the Riverbank. Later in the episode he fused with his brother's aura and used Death Drop, which scored and gave the first point to Raimon, giving victory again to the team. Later, Yuuichi was seen disappearing because winning the match against Protocol Omega repairing the altered history and the alternative Yuuchi along with his timeline is fading out of existence.

He was seen in a flashback in episode 27 when Tsurugi noticed that Okita Souji has a personality much like his brother. Tsurugi also demanded that he knew of a certain someone that was surrounded by despair but never gave up, whom is Yuuichi and he had another flashback yet again of him trying hard to cure his legs.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy[]

Yuuichi appeared in episode 19, seeing off Kyousuke as he was going to space with the rest of the Earth Eleven.

Game appearance[]

Character avatar[]

Child Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (casual) (young)(KK) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (young)Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (young) (CS)
Casual clothes (alternate form) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (casual)
Patient clothes (Present) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite
Tenmas' uniform (alternate form) (T) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite(T) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (MM)
Raimon (Chrono Stone)'s uniform (alternate form) (R (CS)) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite(R (CS)) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (MM)

Strikers avatar[]

Avatar Sprite
Save icon Tsurugi Yuuichi save icon (S)
Tenmas (T) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (S) (T) Tsurugi Yuuichi versus sprite (S) (1)(T) Tsurugi Yuuichi versus sprite (S) (2)
Tenmas (Mixi Max form) (T) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (MM) (S) (T) Tsurugi Yuuichi versus sprite (MM) (S) (1)(T) Tsurugi Yuuichi versus sprite (MM) (S) (2)

SD avatar[]

Avatar Sticker
TeamSto - Shinsei Raimon (TS-SR) Tsurugi Yuuichi sprite (SD) (TS-SR) Tsurugi Yuuichi sticker (SD)

Character view[]

Front overview Back overview Front close view Back close view
Tenmas' uniform (alternate form) (T) Yuuichi 3D (1) (T) Yuuichi 3D (2) (T) Yuuichi 3D (3) (T) Yuuichi 3D (4)
Keshin Armed (alternate form) (KA) Yuuichi 3D (1) (KA) Yuuichi 3D (2) (KA) Yuuichi 3D (3) (KA) Yuuichi 3D (4)
Raimon (Chrono Stone)'s uniform (alternate form) (R (CS)) Yuuichi 3D (1) (R (CS)) Yuuichi 3D (2) (R (CS)) Yuuichi 3D (3) (R (CS)) Yuuichi 3D (4)
Raimon (Chrono Stone)'s uniform (Mixi Max form) (R (CS)) Yuuichi 3D (MM) (1) (R (CS)) Yuuichi 3D (MM) (2) (R (CS)) Yuuichi 3D (MM) (3) (R (CS)) Yuuichi 3D (MM) (4)
Soccer uniform (child form) (KK) Yuuichi 3D (young) (1) (KK) Yuuichi 3D (young) (2) (KK) Yuuichi 3D (young) (3) (KK) Yuuichi 3D (young) (4)

SD character view[]

Front overview
TeamSto - Shinsei Raimon (TS-SR) Yuuichi 3D (SD)


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

In order to recruit Yuuichi, he has to be downloaded first and The Lagoon has to be defeated first in the story mode.
Also, the following requirements are needed:

After this, he can be scouted for an amount of 4000 Yuujou points.

Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013

In order to recruit Yuuichi, the player has to enter the following password first: ほくろがめじるし (Hokuro ga mejirushi, lit. The mole's a trademark).


All stats are at level 99 and untrained.

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
  • GP: 156
  • TP: 144
  • Kick: 165
  • Dribbling: 119
  • Block: 90
  • Catch: 72
  • Technique: 133
  • Speed: 116
  • Stamina: 126
  • Lucky: 60
  • Freedom: 53
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy

All stats are fully upgraded.

Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
  • TP: 160
  • Kick: S
  • Guard: A
  • Body: S
  • Speed: A
  • Control: S
  • Catch: A

All stats are at S-rank, level 50, limit break 10, fully upgraded, all skills learned and all kizuna unlocked.

Inazuma Eleven SD
TeamSto - Shinsei Raimon
  • GP: 224
  • TP: 112
  • Kick: 65
  • Dribble: 42
  • Block: 34
  • Catch: 26


Main-series games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Lv. 1Thousand ArrowShootVoid160557515
Lv. 1Shippuu DashDribbleWind80324515
Lv. 43Bakunetsu ScrewShoot chainShootFire120506015
Lv. 64Great BlasterShootVoid1707020050
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Alternate form
Lv. 1Thousand ArrowShootVoid120556040
Lv. 2Shippuu DashDribbleWind6020305
Lv. 39Bakunetsu ScrewShoot chainShootFire13055605
Lv. 56Great BlasterShootVoid1707015010
Mixi Max form
Lv. 1Thousand ArrowShootVoid120556040
Lv. 1Death SwordShootFire4015205
Lv. 46Kick Plus 30Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 62Mu no KokoroeSkill icon (GX)-----
Child form
Lv. 1Speed Plus 10Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 15Hitori One-TwoDribbleFire3010100
Lv. 25Kick Plus 10Skill icon (GX)-----
Lv. 36Bakunetsu ScrewShoot chainShootFire13055605

Spin-off games[]

Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013
Level 3Bakunetsu Screw Shoot chainShootFire10050
Level 3Thousand ArrowShootVoid10060
CombinationGreat BlasterShootVoid11040
Armed (Combination)Great Blaster (Armed)ShootVoid15060
ArmedDeath Drop (Armed)ShootFire15080
Level 1Shippuu DashDribbleWind3020
Mixi Max form
Mixi MaxDeath Drop Shoot chainShootFire9020
Hissatsu - Inazuma Eleven SD
1Thousand ArrowShootVoid57-13434-50
2Shippuu DashDribbleWind20-4713-19
C rankNever Give UpSkill icon (GX)---
A rankZokusei KyoukaSkill icon (GX)---
S rankChouwaza!Skill icon (GX)---


Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013

Keshin Armed[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013

Mixi Max[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone

Best Mixi Max match
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013

Game exclusive teams[]

Inazuma Eleven GO 2: Chrono Stone
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy


