One of the members of Shitennou from Faram Orbius. He always tries to resolve anything with brute force.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Varga has a muscular build and is tall in height. He has dark yellow skin and red hair sprouting out in various directions.
Varga is shown to be very arrogant and rude. He is also very violent to his opponents and doesn't hesistate on using brute force and rough plays to them.
Varga has a habit of comparing his current feelings to a natural phenomenon.
He appeared at the end of episode 20 along with his fellow members of Shitennou.
He made his debut officially in episode 21. He came to Sandorius Eleven and introduced himself as a member of Shitennou who was sent from Faram Orbius to help them out against their fight with Earth Eleven. Unfortunately, Kazerma refused his offer as he wanted them fight against Earth Eleven by their own.
When the match between Earth Eleven and Sandorius Eleven started in episode 22, he and a few members of Sandorius Eleven who cooperated with him kept using rough plays to the members of Earth Eleven.
In episode 23, after first-half ended, he was furious after Earth Eleven tied the score 1-1. He then ordered all the members to follow his orders in the second-half if they didn't want to lose. Except for Kazerma and Badai, all the members decided to use rough plays on Earth Eleven. However, after Kazerma and Badai persuaded them, they went back to playing fairly. Much to Varga's dismay, he left the stadium in anger.
Game appearance[]
Character avatar[]
Shitennou uniform
Faram Dite's uniform
Galaxy Eleven's uniform
Earth Eleven's jacket
Character view[]
Front overview
Back overview
Front close view
Back close view
Shitennou uniform
Faram Dite's uniform
Galaxy Eleven's uniform
Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy
In order to recruit Varga, Ixal Fleet has to be defeated first in the story mode. Also, the following requirements are needed:
His forename, Varga, is derived from ヴァーゴ (read as "Vaago"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Virgo, a reference to Shitennou's naming motif.
His dub surname, Circes, is derived from circle, correlating with the dub naming motif for characters associated with Faram Orbius.