JP:He defends the goal with precise plays. He looks exactly like a safe keeper. EN:A keystone in his team, who defends the goal with his brains and tenacity.
He defends the goal with precise plays. He looks exactly like a safe keeper.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
Zanou has almond skin, and dark, teal hair, which is spiked towards the back, with wavy bangs on either side of his face, and two pointy bangs over his forehead. He has pale-red eyes, thick eyeshadow with lines coming from the bottom, and thick, teal eyebrows.
In episode 3, he used Keeper Command 03 once again to stop Tenma's Shin Mach Wind and later again to stop Yuuichi's Keshin Armed shoot but he was beaten twice.
In Inazuma Eleven SD, aside from Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, he is the only member from Protocol Omega whose name was romanized instead of transliterated to romaji, being romanized as Theknow.
This was ultimately changed to "Zanou" on the next update.
In Inazuma Eleven SD, his Senbatsu Shiken form's element was changed to during the event's second half.