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Zhao Jinyun (趙金雲, Chō Kinun) is the coach for Inakuni Raimon.
A mysterious new Chinese coach, who is fortunate to be a member of the Raimon soccer club. His comments and qualities are often dubious, but he often wins, and his ability is not known.
The coach of Inazuma Japan is no ordinary person. He appears to be freewheeling, playing games during a match, but the strategies he dictates are sure to put even the world's best players in a tight spot.
All profiles are transcribed and translated accurately to the source material.
He is a short, Chinese man with a plump face shape. He has a black moustache that points out downwards and out and a small goatee. He has a black ponytail. He wears a red long jacket with gold outlines, black jeans and black shoes. Starting from Orion, he changes to a cyan and yellow version of the same jacket.
He's a very eccentric coach who laughs all the time. His training menu is often very unconventional, but in spite of all his quirks, he's a very good strategist, the type who hides his real intentions because he wants the kids to figure out the strategies by themselves. He is skilled at kung-fu and sometimes plays video games during the matches.
Zhao Jinyun was assigned to coach Inakuni Raimon. When the first training begun the coach had strange plans for the training, but the training was intended to allow the players create their own hissatsus. For example, Iwato's training was to wash a wall, and his hissatsu later depended on his grasp of a wall.
He later got arrested, but he could still give instructions to the team in their match. Inakuni Raimon was managed to win the match against Mikage Sennou. During team meetings, when he wanted to show pictures of other teams and their plays, he would often accidentally show pictures of Natasha or other pictures in his private collection instead. Overall, even though he was a strange coach for Inakuni Raimon, he still led them to success and they became the National Football Frontier winners.
Jinyun became the head coach for Inazuma Japan and announced all nineteen players on the team. Li Hao is still his assistant, and Kudou Michiya is the assistant coach.
During the match between Inazuma Japan and Red Bison, he told Haizaki and Hiroto, who were competing for the ball, to "do whatever they wanted". This prompted the two teammates to score a goal with Penguin The God & Devil, their new hissatsu.
Before the match between Inazuma Japan and Soccer Zatsugidan, he revealed Li Hao's backstory and also revealed he had encountered a lot of orphans that left the orphanage from the streets in China, gathering and training them to create Rojiura Shounentai. During Inazuma Japan's match against Soccer Zatsugidan, he jointed Soccer Zatsugidan as their assist coach by his alias, Zhao Jintoyun. After Soccer Zatsugidan lost, he rejoined Inazuma Japan and travelled to Russia with the team to stop Orion Foundation.
His name, Zhao Jinyun is derived from 趙雲 (read as "Chou Un"), which, in turn, is the Japanese pronunciation of Zhao Yun, a Chinese military general who served Liu Bei.
His title is Mysterious Chinese Coach (謎の中国人監督, Nazo no Chūgokujin Kantoku).
In episode 13, it is revealed that he graduated from Stanford University as valedictorian. After that, he was a kung fu instructor for 3 years, spent 3 years in the army, a baseball player for 3 years, 3 years as a soccer player, a soccer coach for 1 year then disappeared from the sports world for 10 years prior to coaching Inakuni Raimon.
Also in Inazuma Walker, it is revealed that he's supposedly 45 years old.
It's revealed in Animage October 2019 that he used to be a part of Orion organization in 10 years ago, but got expelled by Irina, who assumed that he could be a danger to her.
He breaks the fourth wall in episode 22 by speaking to the viewers to "Look forward to the next episode."
In the manga, he plays with a Nintendo Switch.
In Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin's English localization, his motivation is "The one way to continue playing football, is simple. When you play, don't lose."